國泰航空公司設於 「寰宇堂」商務艙貴賓室的雅品軒一直舉辦連串藝術展,展示著名藝術家及攝影大師作品。國泰擬於今年六月至九月期間,與 「以畫會友」網主吳國明先生合作,由吳先生為藝術家的中介人,計劃為乘客帶來獨特,具啟發性的藝術作品,並支持本土文化藝術發展。
素仰陳海鷹教授繪畫藝術造詣深湛,弘揚美術從不後人,謹函誠邀閣下提供陳海鷹教授的作品國泰 「寰宇堂」貴賓室畫展展出,如蒙俯允,不勝榮幸。
施睿忠(Toby Smith)謹啟
Introduction to Professor Chan Hoi-Ying
Professor Chan Hoi-Ying’s (1918 – 2010) accomplishment was largely attributed to the influence of his teacher, Li Tiet-Fu.
When Mr. Li Tiet-Fu was residing abroad, he followed Mr. Sun Yat-Sen in his revolutionary activities and served as the secretary of the Standing Committee for six years. In 1935, Mr. Li Tiet-Fu was hailed by Mr. Sun Yat-Sen as the “East Asian painting giant”, and was the first Chinese painter to study art in the Western world.
After returning from the United States, the media in Hong Kong and Macau reported Mr. Li’s revolutionary and artistic achievement in great details. Impressed by Mr. Li’s work, Professor Chan went to one of his exhibitions and listened to his speech, where he was inspired to follow Mr. Li as his student. They lived together for eighteen years, experiencing the Sino-Japanese war first-hand, and contributed to the country in their own way by raising funds through exhibitions.
After Mr. Li passed away in 1952, Professor Chan founded the Hong Kong Academy of Fine Arts (HKAFA) to commemorate his teacher, proactively nurturing art talents. Many of his students are famous artists who dominated today’s art world, including Kong Kai-Ming, Hon Bing-Wa, Wong Bik-Yu, Au Yeung Nai-Chim, and Ma Wing-Shing.
He could be regarded as one of the godfathers of Hong Kong painters.
Introduction to exhibition curator – Mr. Ng Kwok Ming
Mr. Ng Kwok Ming learnt painting from Mr. Wong Hok Ping. He has attained various international awards and honours. Not only was Mr. Ng an excellent painter, he also promoted local artists proactively. Since he pioneered to set up his own online gallery in 1995, he has hosted artworks of fellow artists unconditionally and has continuously encouraged and sponsored artists to set up their own websites, promoting their artwork and creating a forum for exchange of views on the artwork.
Special thanks to Chan Hoi-Ying Arts Memorial Stadium who lent us seven replicas of his sketches, and Mr. Ng Kwok Ming who curated the exhibition voluntarily. For comments and enquiries, please contact Ms. Florence Chan and / or Mr. Ng Kwok Ming.
Cathay Pacific
Dear Mr. Ng,
RE : Exhibition at The Gallery at The Wing Business Class Lounge, Hong Kong International Airport
I am writing to express our sincere thanks for your professionalism and hard work in curating
the exhibition “Professor Chan Hoi-Ying’s Quick Sketch Selection Exhibition” (陳海鷹教授速寫小品展) at The Gallery (雅品軒)at The Wing Business Class Lounge,Cathay Pacific’s flagship lounge at Hong Kong Intemational Airport.
Thank you very much
Vivien Ho
Ground Product Manager
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited