




Art is a common language of mankind shared by members of all nations and races; whereas artists are tasked to explore creative means to enhance human understandings and contribute to our mutual co-existence.

The artists of Hong Kong greatly treasure this exhibition as an opportunity to put our works across territorial boundaries and into the new millennium. It is our hope that artists of the world would join hands to do the same.

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國畫組 – 伍月柳女士策劃,參展者包括多位嶺南畫派大師。

西畫組 – 鍾耀先生策劃,參展者除了多位香港名畫,也有澳門的代表。



為酬謝貴網站於今年的 「千禧網上特展」中的優秀表現,愛丁堡藝術網站 決定頒給 「以畫會友 」網站 今年的 特別獎項。此消息最近已在 「愛丁堡網上藝術節」中網站上的消息版公佈。

內容如下 :
由於「以畫會友 」網站 在今年的「千禧網上特展」中展示了大量出色的藝術作品, 使得「蘇格蘭藝術家與香港以及中國內地藝術家能共同參與這個千禧年的項目。
請於 「千禧特展 」中的「海外部份 」 進入「以畫會友」 網站 , 或者直接按

此獎狀已登在線上 :
亦可從「愛丁堡網上藝術節 」的內容介紹上看到 。
「藝術節」 網站現時每天獲得七千多次觀眾。

本函同時附上獎狀的圖樣。 你可用於各種用途。

The Edinburgh Celtica Gallery


RE: The Gathering Exhibition Of The K.M.NG Gallery at:

In order to thank you all for the wonderful exhibition you provided as part of The Gathering Millennium Arts Project I am delighted to present you with a specially issued Festival Spirit Award.

I have also included the following details in the latest E.I.I.Festival Newsletter…
The K.M.NG Gallery
Produced as part of The Gathering in order to celebrate the Millennium with the people of Scotland this wonderful and extensive exhibition from the artists of Hong Kong and Lingnan is an absolute treasure. View The Gathering Exhibition Of The K.M.NG Gallery via the Offsite Exhibition Section of The Gathering or directly via:

Your award is now online at:
This page is directly available via the contents page of the Edinburgh International Internet festival which is currently online and receiving over 7,000 hits per day.
I have attached a copy of the award to this message in a range of formats in case you should wish to use a copy for your own purposes.

Please Note!!
There is NO need to provide a return link via the award image!
This is intended only as a sincere thank you to everyone at the K.M.NG Gallery for all the assistance provided since our launch last year.

With many thanks..
The Edinburgh Celtica Gallery.